I don't have a lot of time today because transfers took forever! But my new companion is....... SISTER HELMS! another H. She is from Alabama and has cute little dimples. She is so sweet, calm, and happy! I love her already. She came out in August so only a transfer before me....So we are both baby missionaries, who don't know what they are doing!
President gave us a car! Praise him! HAHA! Last week we came very close to dying (sorry mom) a couple times on our bikes (like a lot more then usual).... So on Saturday we got a call telling us that they got us a car! Super awesome. We will be biking during the day and driving a car at night! YAY for us!
We are making good progress with most of our investigators with lessons but only a couple of them are actually coming to church. Church is the most important thing for them and no one realizes that.
This last Thursday we were visiting Cynthia and Cheyenne, our recent converts, and ended up having a testimony meeting with their whole family ,who are mostly less active ,about how they know the church to be true. Everyone answered! The room was filled with the Spirit and we had such a nice time testifying of the things we each knew to be true. I had never done that before but it was a cool experience to hear everyone's testimonies where they felt comfortable saying them. It is just different when they are at home rather then at a pulpit. Beautiful evening.
The Carrillo's are doing so good! D, their mom, is really getting their lives together and understands the importance of the convenant her children chose to make last weekend. We helped them clean out their bedroom the other day and retaught them the plan of salvation. We had the kids reteach us what they knew... and it was cool to see and hear everything they remembered! I was actually shocked!!! These kids are incredible and so smart. They were prepared to be baptized from the first day we met them. I am so blessed to have been able to be their missionary. I can't wait for the day when they get to serve missions and share this wonderful blessing with others.
We are going to focus a lot of our time on tracting and finding new investigators throughout these next couple weeks. I hope to find some new investigators and have some fun stories! Stay tuned.... ;) I haven't don't much tracting yet.
I just want to bare my testimony of the power of prayer this week. I can't even begin to tell you how many times missionaries pray a day. I am pretty sure it is about 40 times but let me tell you it is powerful and the Spirit will speak to you if you invite him to and if you are willing to hear. Prayer has so many different powers. Sometimes we don't nesscessarily recognize when our prayers have been answered because it isn't answered how we expect them to be answered. I don't know -- I just want to urge you all to be continually grateful for the blessings you recieve because maybe down the line you will realize that those blessings were actually the answer to your problems then and you didn't realize it.
I love you all so much and I am eternally grateful for those of you who are supporting me everyday while I am serving the Lord. It is surely hard and trying but it brings me SO much happiness. I feel like I could do this forever!
Be safe!
Sister Holt
1. Tuesday we had a HUGE rain storm. Like a hurricane and we had to bike ALL DAY! We were soaked in the first 3 minutes.
2. This is Momma Cynthia! She got baptized last March. I love her!
3. Sister Helms and I!!!! Isn't she adorable?!