
Week 5 : Eternal Perspective

AHHH! I am the worst at compiling my weeks into emails so I am sorry if none of them make sense. We are working with the same people and I am hoping and praying that this family starts to make their commitments happen. They are so ready and they neeeeed this gospel in their life! We have been doing service for them every Saturday and this Saturday we were finally able to sit down with her and teach her the plan of salvation. She also told me that she was planning to come to church this Sunday and so I got super excited and told her all of us missionaries were speaking and she got excited too. Then she didn't come. (sad face) Next week I guess!
So everyone needs to read Alma 34! This talks about the Plan of Salvation (or plan of redemption) and how it is all powered up by our faith and repentence. Basically, what I want to say that came to mind when I read it was that: This life is a time for us to prepare ourselves to meet God. Woah. Intense huh? That is our entire purpose here on earth. That's in verse 32 and after that it goes on to say that however we leave this earth in body and in spirit is how we will be in the after-life. All of our desires and thoughts and appetites will be the same but they will be even harder to overcome in the spirit world. That is why repentence is so important while we are in on earth!!! To repent of our sins and use the enabling power of the Atonement, to gain the strength that we need to overcome our temptations. That is the whole purpose. So we can Learn and experience so we can CHANGE to become more like our Savior! Everything we do and choose to do while here on this earth is going to effect our eternity. Everything. Verse 38 says, "take upon you the name of Christ, that ye humble yourselves even to the dust and worship God in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth. and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he both destow upon you." 
When we give everything to God and take upon us the name of Christ we can be changed. And that is the greatest blessing of all. Live our lives in daily thanksgiving and not just around the holiday season.
I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father and I am so grateful for this Plan ,so I am able to have direction and purpose in this life! I know there is more life to come and I am preparing to meet my maker now. I love being a missionary! This has been the best thing I could ever do for myself even though it is just down right hard most days. All of the little tender mercies make up for it!
I am grateful for the support and love I have while I am serving. May God bless you as you show your dedication and love for him!
Remember, Be kind and Have courage to stand forth in this world,
All my love,
Sister Holt

Pictures for this week. 
1. Sister Hungtinton and me
2. It started down pouring on us while we were riding our bikes! Hopefully you can see how drenched I was! 
3. Sister Huntington and I in the back and our Sister Training leader up front. Sister Cornett and Sister Stagg. Both amazing sisters!

1 comment:

  1. We love your Blogs. We are so proud of you!! We pray for you daily and put your name on the St. George Temple Prayer Roll weekly. So happy you are having this wonderful experience with the Holy Ghost guiding you.
