
Week 46: "Not Shrinking" & Staying in Diamond Bar

Transfer weekend! Sister Crane and I are staying together! We thought we were safe from all transfer chaos. Until Sunday night at 9 pm.... The zone leaders who will not be named because I am angry at them called to tell us that we are moving out of the Kilburn's house and into an apartment. OH! MY HEART SHATTERED! Yes I cried... I love the Kilburns so much and can never repay them for all they have done for me but we all must move on at some point.  I will also miss the doggie and kitty.  I love them!!!!

SOOO for all you in the real world I am sure you know about this Pokemon Go game. WELL we have heard a lot about it. So when we are out walking around I use it as a conversation starter if they have their phone attached to their face of course. Anyways, on Tuesday we were walking around Pomona and we went to the park and saw these two teenager boys on bikes and I knew they knew I was going to go up and talk to them so I did! I asked them if they were playing that game and THEY WERE! Well I listened to them as they raved about this game and then I asked them if they go to church. Turns out S hasn't been to church in over a year and wants to go. He says that he prays every night just because he feels like he should. I told him that when Joseph Smith was the same age as him that he prayed  to know the truth as well and that He could do the same. He said he would definitely do that. I just wanted to tell you that because it is funny that the Pokeman Go game is something missionaries can use too! :-)

There is a new family that moved into our ward recently and they are new to the church. They are struggling right now and we finally got to visit with them on Tuesday! Miracle because they are never home or never make time! Anyways - they love the missionaries, especially the sisters! ;) They would like us to come over every Sunday to teach them a lesson to keep them strong!! Amazing! I love when people can see what they need for their own progression and where they can improve! I found them to be very humble.

I don't know if last week or the week before I told you about Madeline (the less active not our investigator)  But anyways, her husband is not a member and is from Italy. He was the one who said he would come to church 5 times!! WELL He came to church yesterday!! It was awesome. They sat right behind us and he seemed pretty uncomfortable, I think  it will take a couple times to feel it. Madeline, Sister Crane and I all fasted for him yesterday So I know that fasting brings power. I don't know when anything will happen with him but it will sooner or later. It is so cool that he came. I hope he comes again.

We were able to teach a family and the daughter's non member boyfriend the Restoration on Wednesday. It was great. He has listened to a lot of different religions and hates the pressure they put on him. We made sure to let him know that he shouldn't feel pressure from us. All we are here to do is invite him to listen to the Spirit and if he feels anything to act on it. We genuinely want to share this message of hope, peace, and security with him because we know it can change and bless his life. The lesson went well. The father was kind of controlling the lesson but that is okay. We still got our point across. The Spirit was there and that is all that matters. 

Here's ANOTHER MIRACLE!  On Thursday we met up with Sister Nagaishi and Tesan to work on family history. Remember a while back, Tesan was going to take a couple generations of names to be baptized in the temple and then she had to go to the hospital that day instead? WELLLLLL HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING ALWAYS because turns out - I made a mistake because I don't know how to do family history LOL!!!  All of Tesan's female names were incorrect and would have been baptized as the wrong name because I didn't know it was supposed to be the women's maiden name. Anyways, long story short we got them all figured out and correct so she can take them to the temple! 

Very grateful that I have a loving Heavenly Father that can fix all my mistakes for me :) 

We got to visit two RC/LA this week that we haven't been able to see for a very long time! One of them actually told me and Sister Hernandez back in February that she needed a break from the sisters because she can't handle them coming and going all the time because she gets too attached. We went by on Friday and she is totally ready to start meeting and studying again. She can't stand it when people come to visit her just to get her to church though, I made sure to let her know we aren't there to push her into anything. We are there because we love her! This is another miracle because our ward mission leader was really worried about her. 

This week was wonderful! The love, the light, and the life that the gospel gives me is even more wonderful. I am very grateful for every moment I have out here. I have really noticed the purpose of why I am here lately... to strengthen and to serve. There are some people here that have some pretty crappy situations and they are hard. People need hope in Christ, they need strength through Christ, and they need stability through Christ. 

I loved the Ensign this month and Elder Bednar's relayed message from Elder Maxwell of the importance of 'not shrinking'. Elder Maxwell told him that he learned through his cancer diagnosis that it is more important not to shrink then it is to survive. No matter if we are going through sickness, betrayal, depression, or any other trial. We should have to hope and the faith that we can choose to stand with the best life that the world as ever know, Jesus Christ. He can give us the energy and the strength we desire to endure. Another point Elder Bednar made was that life isn't about living and then dying. It is about Living, Learning, and Becoming. And it is all possible because of our loving brother, Jesus Christ and the plan from our perfect most loving Father in Heaven. 

I am grateful to know this! 
Love to you always with all my heart,
Sister Holt

Zone Picture

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